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How I Treat Tear Stains

How I Treat Tear Stains

When I was younger maybe starting around 10 weeks old, I had terrible tear stains. We tried Angel Eyes due to the reviews but it wasn't working for me!

We had to figure out why I was tearing so much! Well, almost every hour of the day I had hair stuck in my eyes. That cannot be comfortable and it definitely caused me to tear up a ton! I also blame it on allergies and a poor diet!

Mom started removing the hairs from my eyes very carefully with her fingers. She checked my eyes frequently to make sure they're clear of any hairs. Please make sure that your fingers are clean and that your fingernails are short. Sometimes mom will use this antimicrobial eye flush to combat the allergies!

Vetericyn Plus All Animal Eye Wash. Pain-Free Solution for Abrasions and Irritations. Helps Relieve Pink Eye & Allergy Symptoms, Regular Eye Care for Dogs/Cats. 3 oz. (Packaging/Bottle Color May Vary) 

Mom also used this eyewash on my paws when they were itchy! It works wonders!

Every single morning, she would also comb near the underside of my eyes to rid of any eye boogers and crust! (eww I know). This is the comb that we use!

Otterly Pets Dog Tear Stain Remover Grooming Combs for Gently Removing Eye Mucus and Crust (2-Pack) 

I am only allowed to drink filtered water and not regular tap water!

I am also given probiotics before my meal!

Zesty Paws Probiotic for Dogs - Probiotics for Gut Flora, Digestive Health, Occasional Diarrhea & Bowel Support - Clinically Studied DE111 - Functional Dog Supplement Soft Chews for Pet Immune System 

That's our routine for clean eyes! I hope this helps!

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  • Nicole

    Good morning and thank you, Noodles! You make me smile. You are such a special and smart pup!

  • sara kalgren

    i adore noodles! i just bought 2 mugs because i couldn’t pick just one! i can’t tell you how much i love seeing your clever videos! i have a yorki poo rescue dog who is also my therapy pet to combat PTSD. God bless!

  • Mika sheehy

    Hi Noodles!!!! You are super cute 🥰 I share your videos with my kids, work besties, and my husband!! Your work place seems a lot like mine😂

  • Kim

    Hi Noodles! I just adore you! I get such a kick out of you! Thank you for bringing a big smile to my face every day. I look forward to your videos and just love your hairstyles, wardrobe and glasses. You go, sassy little girl!

  • Sue Reinhart

    Noodles, you are simply adorable!!!! Are you planning tee shirts? You have so many poses to choose from! My favorites are the ones wearing your hair up!!! Mugs are great!
    Keep up the good work! 🤗💖🤗💖

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